ITEM 2024

鈴木亜美 – BE TOGETHER / love the island


鈴木 亜美
すずき あみ


オーディションバラエティ「ASAYAN」(テレビ東京) を経て、小室哲哉プロデュースで1998年「love the island」で歌手デビュー。

新たなクラブミュージックにも挑戦し、2009年からは本格的にDJ活動をはじめ、国内のみならず、韓国、台湾、上海、オーストラリア、LAなど海外でもプレイし、Girls DJとして活躍。


激辛料理をペロリと食べることから「激辛女王」と言われ、 2021 年には激辛をメインとしたYouTube チャンネル 「あみーゴ TV 」 を開設。

2022年には40歳を迎えるにあたり11年ぶりの単独ライブ「Ami Suzuki Birthday Live"超激辛40倍"」の開催。

2023年7月1日に、デビュー25周年を迎え、アニバーサリーライブ「Ami Suzuki 25th Anniversary LIVE ~Let's Party~」を開催。
そして、配信ニューシングル「I just feel good (Prod.TeddyLoid) 」をリリースした。

プライベートでは2017 年に第一子、 2020 年に第二子を出産、 2022 年に第三子を出産。
三児の母でもあり、2022 年度の「ベストマザー賞」を受賞している。

Artist Profile

Suzuki Ami

Date of birth: February 9, 1982
Blood type: A
Birthplace: Born in Kanagawa Prefecture

After appearing on the audition variety show "ASAYAN" (TV Tokyo), she made her debut as a singer in 1998 with "love the island" produced by Tetsuya Komuro.

In 2004, she moved to Avex and released her first single "Delightful".

She also took on new challenges in club music, and in 2009, she began DJing in earnest, playing not only in Japan but also overseas in Korea, Taiwan, Shanghai, Australia, LA, and other places, active as a girls DJ.

She has also worked as an actress, appearing in numerous films and dramas.

In 2008, she played her first lead role in a daytime drama in "Love Theater: Love Letter," in which she played a girl with hearing impairments.

In 2011, she appeared in the stage production "Genghis Khan: My Sword, Dye the Burning Sand," commemorating the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.

She is known as the "Queen of Spicy Food" because she can eat extremely spicy food with ease, and in 2021, she opened a YouTube channel called "Ami-go TV," which focuses on extremely spicy food.

She currently posts videos about raising children and cooking, and has gained support from a wide range of fans.

In 2022, to celebrate her 40th birthday, she will hold her first solo live show in 11 years, "Ami Suzuki Birthday Live "40 Times Super Spicy."

On July 1, 2023, she will celebrate her 25th anniversary since her debut and hold an anniversary live show, "Ami Suzuki 25th Anniversary LIVE ~Let's Party~."

She also released a new single digitally, "I just feel good (Prod.TeddyLoid)."

In her private life, she gave birth to her first child in 2017, her second child in 2020, and her third child in 2022.

She is also a mother of three children, and won the 2022 "Best Mother Award."


Ami Suzuki

BE TOGETHER / love the island

avex infinity
販売価格 (税込)


avexのヒット楽曲を「avex HITS on ViNYL」として一斉リリース!2011年リリース「Ami Selection」より、鈴木亜美の代名詞ともいえるヒットソング2曲を初7インチ化!


avex's hit songs are released all at once as "avex HITS on ViNYL"! From the 2011 release "Ami Selection", two hit songs that are synonymous with Suzuki Ami are released on 7-inch for the first time!


Side A
Side B
2. love the island


鈴木 亜美
すずき あみ


オーディションバラエティ「ASAYAN」(テレビ東京) を経て、小室哲哉プロデュースで1998年「love the island」で歌手デビュー。

新たなクラブミュージックにも挑戦し、2009年からは本格的にDJ活動をはじめ、国内のみならず、韓国、台湾、上海、オーストラリア、LAなど海外でもプレイし、Girls DJとして活躍。


激辛料理をペロリと食べることから「激辛女王」と言われ、 2021 年には激辛をメインとしたYouTube チャンネル 「あみーゴ TV 」 を開設。

2022年には40歳を迎えるにあたり11年ぶりの単独ライブ「Ami Suzuki Birthday Live"超激辛40倍"」の開催。

2023年7月1日に、デビュー25周年を迎え、アニバーサリーライブ「Ami Suzuki 25th Anniversary LIVE ~Let's Party~」を開催。
そして、配信ニューシングル「I just feel good (Prod.TeddyLoid) 」をリリースした。

プライベートでは2017 年に第一子、 2020 年に第二子を出産、 2022 年に第三子を出産。
三児の母でもあり、2022 年度の「ベストマザー賞」を受賞している。

Artist Profile

Suzuki Ami

Date of birth: February 9, 1982
Blood type: A
Birthplace: Born in Kanagawa Prefecture

After appearing on the audition variety show "ASAYAN" (TV Tokyo), she made her debut as a singer in 1998 with "love the island" produced by Tetsuya Komuro.

In 2004, she moved to Avex and released her first single "Delightful".

She also took on new challenges in club music, and in 2009, she began DJing in earnest, playing not only in Japan but also overseas in Korea, Taiwan, Shanghai, Australia, LA, and other places, active as a girls DJ.

She has also worked as an actress, appearing in numerous films and dramas.

In 2008, she played her first lead role in a daytime drama in "Love Theater: Love Letter," in which she played a girl with hearing impairments.

In 2011, she appeared in the stage production "Genghis Khan: My Sword, Dye the Burning Sand," commemorating the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.

She is known as the "Queen of Spicy Food" because she can eat extremely spicy food with ease, and in 2021, she opened a YouTube channel called "Ami-go TV," which focuses on extremely spicy food.

She currently posts videos about raising children and cooking, and has gained support from a wide range of fans.

In 2022, to celebrate her 40th birthday, she will hold her first solo live show in 11 years, "Ami Suzuki Birthday Live "40 Times Super Spicy."

On July 1, 2023, she will celebrate her 25th anniversary since her debut and hold an anniversary live show, "Ami Suzuki 25th Anniversary LIVE ~Let's Party~."

She also released a new single digitally, "I just feel good (Prod.TeddyLoid)."

In her private life, she gave birth to her first child in 2017, her second child in 2020, and her third child in 2022.

She is also a mother of three children, and won the 2022 "Best Mother Award."



レコードの日 Produced by TOYOKASEI CO.,LTD