1945年 山梨県に生まれ。東京芸術大学打楽器科在学中の1967年より山下洋輔トリオに参加。3度のヨーロッパツアーを経て1975年に退団。
2003年にはKyoto Jazz Sestetに客演した『Succession』を発表。
Artist Profile
Born in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1945, he joined the Yosuke Yamashita Trio in 1967 while studying in the percussion department at Tokyo University of the Arts. After three European tours, he left the trio in 1975.
He took a break from music for a while, but upon his return, he focused on ensemble playing, developing a more melodic and rhythmic style of jazz. His notable works after his return include "Flash Up" (1977), "Hush-a-Bye" (1978), "Smile" (1980), and "East Plants" (1983).
In 2003, he guest-starred on "Succession" with the Kyoto Jazz Sextet. As a drummer who represents the contemporary Japanese jazz scene in both name and reality, he continues to be beloved by fans old and new, both in Japan and abroad.
Takeo Moriyama
Smile (Clear Sky Blue Vinyl)
Smile (Clear Sky Blue Vinyl)
- レーベル
- フォーマット
- LPカラー盤
- 販売価格 (税込)
- 4620円
- 品番
- COJY-9518
- JANコード
- 4549767322261
1960年代後半から山下洋輔トリオのメンバーとしてフリー・ジャズ界を席巻し、近年ではKYOTO JAZZ SEXTETと共演するなど、新旧多くのファンに愛されるジャズ・ドラマー森山威男。盟友・板橋文夫を擁したカルテットで80年に録音されたこのアルバムは、日本的情緒が溢れる名曲「ワタラセ」がはじめて収録されたことでも有名。他に、豪快に疾走する「エクスチェンジ」、美しくも物悲しい「グッドバイ」など、全曲が聴きどころで、静と動が有機的に絡まりあうスケールの大きな演奏が楽しめる日本ジャズ史上屈指の名盤。
Since the late 1960s, jazz drummer Takeo Moriyama has been a dominant force in the free jazz scene, initially with the Yosuke Yamashita Trio, and more recently collaborating with the KYOTO JAZZ SEXTET, earning respect from past to present. Recorded in 1980 with his quartet featuring Fumio Itabashi, this album is renowned for being the first to include the emotionally rich Japanese masterpiece "Watarase." Other highlights include the spirited "Exchange" and the beautifully poignant "Goodbye." Each track is a standout, offering a grand-scale performance where tranquility and movement organically intertwine, making it one of the top albums in the history of Japanese jazz.
Takeo Moriyama Quartet:
Takeo Moriyama(ds)
Yoshio Kuniyasu(ts,ss)
Fumio Itabashi(p)
Hideaki Mochizuki(b)
Guest: Koichi Matsukaze(as,ts,fl)
side A
1. エクスチェンジ
2. ワタラセ
side B
1. ステップ
2. スマイル
3. グッドバイ
Track List
Side A
1. Exchange
2. Watarase
Side B
1. Step
2. Smile
3. Good Bye
1945年 山梨県に生まれ。東京芸術大学打楽器科在学中の1967年より山下洋輔トリオに参加。3度のヨーロッパツアーを経て1975年に退団。
2003年にはKyoto Jazz Sestetに客演した『Succession』を発表。
Artist Profile
Born in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1945, he joined the Yosuke Yamashita Trio in 1967 while studying in the percussion department at Tokyo University of the Arts. After three European tours, he left the trio in 1975.
He took a break from music for a while, but upon his return, he focused on ensemble playing, developing a more melodic and rhythmic style of jazz. His notable works after his return include "Flash Up" (1977), "Hush-a-Bye" (1978), "Smile" (1980), and "East Plants" (1983).
In 2003, he guest-starred on "Succession" with the Kyoto Jazz Sextet. As a drummer who represents the contemporary Japanese jazz scene in both name and reality, he continues to be beloved by fans old and new, both in Japan and abroad.