2003年結成、武田信幸(Gt./Vo.)、楠本構造(Gt./Syth)、井澤惇(Ba.)、山本晃紀(Dr.)からなる4人組のバンド。斬新でカッティングエッジなリフやリズムを組み合わせ、これまでにないユニークかつエモーショナルなサウンドで聴き手を魅了。常に新たな挑戦や実験的な取り組みを行い、インストロック/マスロック界を牽引し続けている。アメリカやヨーロッパ、アジアツアーのほか国内外のフェスにも多数出演。2021年には映画『騙し絵の牙』や『ブライト:サムライソウル』等のサウンドトラックを手掛け、2022年にはDÉ DÉ MOUSEとのプロジェクト"Fake Creators"も始動。2023年4月に活動20周年を迎え、そのアニバーサリーイヤーの締めくくりで2024年1月に4年半ぶりの7thアルバム『STRATA』を発表。
Artist Profile
Established in 2003, LITE is a four-piece band comprised of Nobuyuki Takeda (Guitar/Vocals), Kozo Kusumoto (Guitar/Synth), Jun Izawa (Bass), and Akinori Yamamoto (Drums). Combining innovative and cutting-edge riffs and rhythms, they captivate audiences with their unique and emotionally charged sound. Renowned pioneers in the instrumental rock and math rock genres, LITE has been continuously embracing new challenges and experimental ventures, leaving an indelible mark both nationally and globally. Their influence reaches far beyond Japan, with releases under the esteemed American indie label "Topshelf Records" and extensive touring across North America, Europe, and Asia. They have performed at prestigious festivals, headlining the UK's "ArcTanGent Festival" and gracing the stages of "FUJI ROCK" and "SUMMER SONIC”.
In 2021, LITE composed and performed soundtracks for the Netflix animation film "Bright: Samurai Soul" and the Japanese movie "Damashie no Kiba." Concurrently, they initiated the "Fraction" project, releasing a digital collection of existing tracks, outtakes, remixes, and collaborative works. 2022 witnessed the creation of the "Fake Creators" project in collaboration with producer/DJ DÉ DÉ MOUSE, showcasing their versatility across diverse musical landscapes.
April 2023 marked a pivotal moment as LITE, for their 20th anniversary, redefined their musical identity with the single "Endless Blue". This release and the following ones set the stage for their seventh album, "STRATA," slated for release on January 31, 2024.
- レーベル
- monchént records
- フォーマット
- LP
- 販売価格 (税込)
- 4500円
- 品番
- MONC23
- JANコード
- 4988044122161
日本を代表するインストゥルメンタルロックバンド・LITE。リリース10周年の現在もなお、国内外ともに高い人気を誇る4th Albumを《レコードの日2024》限定盤でリイシュー!!
2013年オリジナルリリース、翌年にはポストロック/マスロックなどを中心にインディーシーンを牽引し続ける米国インディーレーベル・Topshelf RecordsからLPもリリースされた4th AL『Installation』。「肉体的な温度感」がひとつのテーマだったという本アルバムは、現在のライブでも歓声の沸き上がる代表曲『Bond』をはじめとした全10曲を収録。日本とアメリカの2カ国でレコーディングが行われ、初期LITEのテクニカルでエモーショナルなサウンドと、シンセ導入以降のエレクトロニックなサウンドとの融合が更なる進化を遂げた一作だ。
LITE is one of Japan's leading instrumental rock bands. "Installation" was released in 2013. The following year, the LP was also released on Top Shelf Records, an American indie label that continues to lead the indie scene with a focus on post-rock/math rock and other genres. One theme of the album was “physical temperature,” and it contains 10 songs, including “Bond” and “Echolocation,” both of which are very popular with audiences at current live shows. Recorded in Japan and the U.S., the album is a further evolution of the fusion of the technical and emotional sound of early LITE and the electronic sound that has evolved since the introduction of synths. This classic album, which enjoys great popularity among music fans around the world, is being reissued as a “Record Day 2024” limited edition!
【Side A】
01 Starry Morning
02 Echolocation
03 Hunger
04 Alter Ego
05 Between Us
【Side B】
01 Bond
02 Fog Up
03 Starry Night
04 Subaru
05 Nomad
2003年結成、武田信幸(Gt./Vo.)、楠本構造(Gt./Syth)、井澤惇(Ba.)、山本晃紀(Dr.)からなる4人組のバンド。斬新でカッティングエッジなリフやリズムを組み合わせ、これまでにないユニークかつエモーショナルなサウンドで聴き手を魅了。常に新たな挑戦や実験的な取り組みを行い、インストロック/マスロック界を牽引し続けている。アメリカやヨーロッパ、アジアツアーのほか国内外のフェスにも多数出演。2021年には映画『騙し絵の牙』や『ブライト:サムライソウル』等のサウンドトラックを手掛け、2022年にはDÉ DÉ MOUSEとのプロジェクト"Fake Creators"も始動。2023年4月に活動20周年を迎え、そのアニバーサリーイヤーの締めくくりで2024年1月に4年半ぶりの7thアルバム『STRATA』を発表。
Artist Profile
Established in 2003, LITE is a four-piece band comprised of Nobuyuki Takeda (Guitar/Vocals), Kozo Kusumoto (Guitar/Synth), Jun Izawa (Bass), and Akinori Yamamoto (Drums). Combining innovative and cutting-edge riffs and rhythms, they captivate audiences with their unique and emotionally charged sound. Renowned pioneers in the instrumental rock and math rock genres, LITE has been continuously embracing new challenges and experimental ventures, leaving an indelible mark both nationally and globally. Their influence reaches far beyond Japan, with releases under the esteemed American indie label "Topshelf Records" and extensive touring across North America, Europe, and Asia. They have performed at prestigious festivals, headlining the UK's "ArcTanGent Festival" and gracing the stages of "FUJI ROCK" and "SUMMER SONIC”.
In 2021, LITE composed and performed soundtracks for the Netflix animation film "Bright: Samurai Soul" and the Japanese movie "Damashie no Kiba." Concurrently, they initiated the "Fraction" project, releasing a digital collection of existing tracks, outtakes, remixes, and collaborative works. 2022 witnessed the creation of the "Fake Creators" project in collaboration with producer/DJ DÉ DÉ MOUSE, showcasing their versatility across diverse musical landscapes.
April 2023 marked a pivotal moment as LITE, for their 20th anniversary, redefined their musical identity with the single "Endless Blue". This release and the following ones set the stage for their seventh album, "STRATA," slated for release on January 31, 2024.