小さき頃よりインターナショナルスクールに通い、松尾芭蕉のリリックと織田信長の敦盛の舞に影響を受け、アニメ、偉人の名言からJ-POPから俳句まで 乗りこなす歴史愛溢れる12歳のバイリンガルシンガーソングガール。
今日の一句「カミナリだ アマテラスさま お怒りだ」
Artist Profile
Influenced by Basho Matsuo’s lyricism and Nobunaga Oda’s Atsumori dance, she is a 12-year-old bilingual singer-song girl with a love for history, anime, J-Pop and HAIKU.
Because of a huge love for history, she is singing songs about history.To deepen her knowledge, recently she is studying with the master historian and martial artist.
Through the teachings of Confucius, she is learning about the spirit of humanity; through the Japanese book “The Tale of Princess Kaguya”, she is learning about a cursive style of writing Chinese characters and Japanese culture.
Her favorite books are 100% history books, and she is currently obsessed with books about princesses who bravely and powerfully lived through the Sengoku period (the warring period;1467-1615) .
Paddle Out, My Chocolatier - Is This Love? -
- レーベル
- Honeysuckle Records
- フォーマット
- 7inch
- 販売価格 (税抜)
- 2000円
- 品番
- HSR-E-001
- JANコード
- 4988044844148
令和の新たな定番バレンタインソング誕生か?!今もなお世界中に根強いファンを持つ伝説のシティポップユニット「東北新幹線」の山川恵津子の真骨頂と言えるバレンタインソングがついにEPで登場!リリース時、何のプロモーションもなかったにも関わらず、シティポップファンの間でSNSを中心に話題になったこの曲。歌うのはベールに包まれた12歳のバイリンガルシンガーSAKUra。今回オリジナル版と一緒に収録されるボカロP界の新星、袖野あらわによる「テンパリングリミックス feat. 袖野あらわ」も必聴。
New city pop era has come?! The quintessential Valentine's Day song by Etsuko Yamakawa of the legendary city pop unit "Tohoku Shinkansen," which still has a strong fan base around the world, is finally available on EP! Despite no promotion at the time of release, this song became a hot topic among city pop fans, especially on SNS. It is sung by the veiled 12-year-old bilingual singer SAKUra.
Don't miss the "New Era Remix" by Arawa Sodeno, a rising star in the vocaloid world, which is included with the original version of the song.
Side A
1.漕ぎ出せ♪ショコラティエ〜これって恋ですか?〜(オリジナルVer. Arrangement by 山川恵津子)
Side AA
1.漕ぎ出せ♪ショコラティエ〜これって恋ですか?〜(テンパリング Remix by 袖野あらわ)
Track List
Side A
1.Paddle Out, My Chocolatier - Is This Love? -(Original ver. Arrangement by Etsuko Yamakawa)
Side AA
1.Paddle Out, My Chocolatier - Is This Love? -(New Era Remix by Arawa Sodeno)
小さき頃よりインターナショナルスクールに通い、松尾芭蕉のリリックと織田信長の敦盛の舞に影響を受け、アニメ、偉人の名言からJ-POPから俳句まで 乗りこなす歴史愛溢れる12歳のバイリンガルシンガーソングガール。
今日の一句「カミナリだ アマテラスさま お怒りだ」
Artist Profile
Influenced by Basho Matsuo’s lyricism and Nobunaga Oda’s Atsumori dance, she is a 12-year-old bilingual singer-song girl with a love for history, anime, J-Pop and HAIKU.
Because of a huge love for history, she is singing songs about history.To deepen her knowledge, recently she is studying with the master historian and martial artist.
Through the teachings of Confucius, she is learning about the spirit of humanity; through the Japanese book “The Tale of Princess Kaguya”, she is learning about a cursive style of writing Chinese characters and Japanese culture.
Her favorite books are 100% history books, and she is currently obsessed with books about princesses who bravely and powerfully lived through the Sengoku period (the warring period;1467-1615) .