11/27 on Sale

ギターボーカルとドラマーの最小編成で物語や絵画を想像させる歌詞の世界観と骨太かつ繊細なロックサウンドを融合させ表現する2人組バンドのRip Van Winkle。
本作のマスタリングはJack White(White Stripes,The Racouturs,The Dead Weather,,,)やThe Kills,Jon Spencerなどのグラミー賞受賞作品を多数手掛けるビル・スキッビーが担当。
発売されるアナログレコードはJack Whiteが設立したThird Man Press Factoryでカッティングされている。
映像監督の加藤マニがMV監督を務め、狂人を演じるギターボーカルのTakuが爆弾魔に扮する姿が見応え。ゲストとして親交のある吉田 靖直(トリプルファイヤー)が警官役で出演。
*3曲目『Dead Vlei』
MVでは唐松府蔵(THE OGIKIZ)が監督を務め、砂漠の中で踊るベリーダンサーTina Jameを迎え非現実的な世界を表現した映像が完成した。
* 2011年 結成
* 2013年 自主企画イベント『TIME IS FLYING』開催しHAPPYや幾何学模様と共演、6月にはDai Kaiju(fromUSA)のジャパンツアーの前座を務めた。
* 2014年 自主企画イベント『TIME IS FLYING』という2会場利用したサーキットイベントを開催。Clock Shop Records Tour 2014と評しバンド初となる全9ヶ所の国内ツアーを行いその後、2週間ぶっ続けライブというゲストアーティストを呼び2週間毎日ライブを行うイベントを開催しライブ三昧な日々が続いた。
* 2016年 1st miniアルバム『Time is Flying』を全国リリース、SHERBETSの仲田憲市氏より『潔よい!! LIVEも観よ!!』とコメントを頂く。
* 2017年 現ドラマーSatoshi Morishitaが加入。
* 2018年 フィンランド出身のジャズシンガーIrinaと、Irina feat. RIP VAN WINKLEとして都内で活動。10月に1st EP『HOUR GLASS』をカセット媒体とストリーミングでのリリースし、デンマーク、ドイツ、フィンランド、ロンドンの4カ国にてヨーロッパツアーを行う。
INSULA MUSIC(デンマーク)やROUGH TRADE EAST(ロンドン)などのレコード店でカセットの販売・取り扱いを実現。
* 2019年 自主企画イベント『Definitely Get Loud』開催。ヤマジカズヒデ、イマイアキノブ、山本久土、サトウミノル、菊池昇と共演。
Pisitakun(Thailand)、ELEPHANT HIVE(Israel)、SLOKS(ITALY)、DELANY DAVIDSON(NZ)、Filth Dimention(Autralia)、CARAVANE(CANADA)など数々の来日バンドと共演を果たす。
* 2020年 Lowdown30(韓国)、POLARIZE (AUS)などのジャパンツアーの前座を務め、4月には自主企画イベント『Definitely Get Loud vol.2』開催。KING BROTHERSやJ-REXXXらが出演を予定していたがコロナ禍の影響により中止。
2021年 《勇敢な爆弾》Single Release Partyを開催。
Artist Profile
Until now, RIP VAN WINKLE has been expressing a fusion of the world view of lyrics that makes you imagine stories and paintings with a bold rock sound with the minimum organization of guitar vocals (Taku) and drummer (Satoshi Morishita), but this time In addition to HAPPY's Alec and Ric as guest artists, the album was arranged with a cellist and saxophonist to complete a band sound that makes us feel the beginning of a new era after the COVID-19 disaster.
The mastering of this album work is by Bill Skibbe who has worked on many Grammy award prize winners such as Jack White(White Stripes,The Raconteurs,The Dead Weather,,,) The Kills,Jon Spencer.
The analog records to be released are cut in Third Man Press Factory founded by Jack White.
Catch phrase
Eventually, when the rising sun rose and a new world opened up, I realised that I had”HOPE”.
* The MV for the 4th song "Yukan Na Bakudan” is directed by Mani Kato.
The video of Taku, a guitar and vocalist who plays a madman, dressed as a bomber is also spectacular.
Yasunao Yoshida (Triple Fire), who has a close friendship as a guest, appears as a police officer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_RakHaa6YA (out for 2021 April)
* The MV for the third song "Dead Vlei" is directed by Fuzo Karamatu (THE OGIKIZ) and welcomes belly dancer Tina Jame dancing in the desert to express an unreal world
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cwl8SY_o0c (Coming out soon)
※Band profile
* 2011 organization
* Event "TIME IS FLYING" in 2013 and played with HAPPY and Kikagaku Moyo acted as the opening act of the Japan tour of DaiKaiju(fromUSA) in June.
* Circuit event that 2 venues called self planning event "TIME IS FLYING" used in 2014. I described it as Clock Shop Records Tour 2014 and performed all nine places of domestic tours that became first among a band, and band held an event to call the guest artist called the going on and on live for the next two weeks, and to perform a live every day for two weeks, and days absorbed in a live continued.
*1st mini album "Time is Flying" released nationwide. Held a tour of 4 locations in Japan.
Mr. Kenichi Nakata, the bassist of SHERBETS, commented, “Graceful! Watch the LIVE Show!!”.
* Current drummer Satoshi Morishita joined.
* Jazz singer Irina for 2018 years from Finland and Irina feat. As RIP VAN WINKLE is released in a cassette medium and the streaming of the 1st EP "HOURGLASS" in Tokyo in October.
Perform a tour in Europe in Denmark, Germany, Finland, four countries of London.
INSULA MUSIC (Denmark) and ROUGH TRADE EAST (London) of the cassette sell it over the count, and realize the handling.
* 2019
Event "Definitely Get Loud" holding. Yamaji Kazuhide, Imai Akinobu, Hisato Yamamoto, Satou Minoru, Shou Kikuchi and co starring.
Band achieved Pisitakun(Thailand), ELEPHANT HIVE(Israel), SLOKS(ITALY), DELANY DAVIDSON(NZ), FilthDimention(Australia), CARAVANE(CANADA), the opening act of many visit to Japan bands tour.
* Act as Japan tour opening acts such as Lowdown30 (Korea), POLARIZE (AUS) in 2020, and self planning event "Definitely Get Loud vol.2" is held in April. KING BROTHERS, J-REXXX and others planned an appearance, but canceled it under the influence of a COVID-19 disaster.
April-Event, ”Yukan Na Bakudan" Single Release Party Was sold out.
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle
- レーベル
- Clock Shop Records
- フォーマット
- LP
- 販売価格 (税込)
- 3300円
- 品番
- RVW-001
- JANコード
- 4582561394706
- https://r-v-w.tumblr.com/
マスタリングはJack White、The Kills、Jon Spencer等グラミー賞作品を手掛けるBill Skibbeを起用!アナログ盤はThird Man Press Factory!DLコード付!
A new album by RIP VAN WINKLE that produces a bold and delicate sound with its own world view with the minimum organization of guitar and drums will be released! With DL code!
The mastering of this album work is by Bill Skibbe who has worked on many Grammy award prize winners such as Jack White(White Stripes,The Raconteurs,The Dead Weather,,,) The Kills,Jon Spencer.
The analog records to be released are cut in Third Man Press Factory founded by Jack White.
3.Dead Vlei
Side B
3.Mona Lisa
4.Blue Moon
Track List
Side A
2.Mizuiro No Neko
3.Dead Vlei
4.Yukan Na Bakudan
Side B
2.Ippiki No Okami
3.Mona Lisa
4.Blue Moon
ギターボーカルとドラマーの最小編成で物語や絵画を想像させる歌詞の世界観と骨太かつ繊細なロックサウンドを融合させ表現する2人組バンドのRip Van Winkle。
本作のマスタリングはJack White(White Stripes,The Racouturs,The Dead Weather,,,)やThe Kills,Jon Spencerなどのグラミー賞受賞作品を多数手掛けるビル・スキッビーが担当。
発売されるアナログレコードはJack Whiteが設立したThird Man Press Factoryでカッティングされている。
映像監督の加藤マニがMV監督を務め、狂人を演じるギターボーカルのTakuが爆弾魔に扮する姿が見応え。ゲストとして親交のある吉田 靖直(トリプルファイヤー)が警官役で出演。
*3曲目『Dead Vlei』
MVでは唐松府蔵(THE OGIKIZ)が監督を務め、砂漠の中で踊るベリーダンサーTina Jameを迎え非現実的な世界を表現した映像が完成した。
* 2011年 結成
* 2013年 自主企画イベント『TIME IS FLYING』開催しHAPPYや幾何学模様と共演、6月にはDai Kaiju(fromUSA)のジャパンツアーの前座を務めた。
* 2014年 自主企画イベント『TIME IS FLYING』という2会場利用したサーキットイベントを開催。Clock Shop Records Tour 2014と評しバンド初となる全9ヶ所の国内ツアーを行いその後、2週間ぶっ続けライブというゲストアーティストを呼び2週間毎日ライブを行うイベントを開催しライブ三昧な日々が続いた。
* 2016年 1st miniアルバム『Time is Flying』を全国リリース、SHERBETSの仲田憲市氏より『潔よい!! LIVEも観よ!!』とコメントを頂く。
* 2017年 現ドラマーSatoshi Morishitaが加入。
* 2018年 フィンランド出身のジャズシンガーIrinaと、Irina feat. RIP VAN WINKLEとして都内で活動。10月に1st EP『HOUR GLASS』をカセット媒体とストリーミングでのリリースし、デンマーク、ドイツ、フィンランド、ロンドンの4カ国にてヨーロッパツアーを行う。
INSULA MUSIC(デンマーク)やROUGH TRADE EAST(ロンドン)などのレコード店でカセットの販売・取り扱いを実現。
* 2019年 自主企画イベント『Definitely Get Loud』開催。ヤマジカズヒデ、イマイアキノブ、山本久土、サトウミノル、菊池昇と共演。
Pisitakun(Thailand)、ELEPHANT HIVE(Israel)、SLOKS(ITALY)、DELANY DAVIDSON(NZ)、Filth Dimention(Autralia)、CARAVANE(CANADA)など数々の来日バンドと共演を果たす。
* 2020年 Lowdown30(韓国)、POLARIZE (AUS)などのジャパンツアーの前座を務め、4月には自主企画イベント『Definitely Get Loud vol.2』開催。KING BROTHERSやJ-REXXXらが出演を予定していたがコロナ禍の影響により中止。
2021年 《勇敢な爆弾》Single Release Partyを開催。
Artist Profile
Until now, RIP VAN WINKLE has been expressing a fusion of the world view of lyrics that makes you imagine stories and paintings with a bold rock sound with the minimum organization of guitar vocals (Taku) and drummer (Satoshi Morishita), but this time In addition to HAPPY's Alec and Ric as guest artists, the album was arranged with a cellist and saxophonist to complete a band sound that makes us feel the beginning of a new era after the COVID-19 disaster.
The mastering of this album work is by Bill Skibbe who has worked on many Grammy award prize winners such as Jack White(White Stripes,The Raconteurs,The Dead Weather,,,) The Kills,Jon Spencer.
The analog records to be released are cut in Third Man Press Factory founded by Jack White.
Catch phrase
Eventually, when the rising sun rose and a new world opened up, I realised that I had”HOPE”.
* The MV for the 4th song "Yukan Na Bakudan” is directed by Mani Kato.
The video of Taku, a guitar and vocalist who plays a madman, dressed as a bomber is also spectacular.
Yasunao Yoshida (Triple Fire), who has a close friendship as a guest, appears as a police officer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_RakHaa6YA (out for 2021 April)
* The MV for the third song "Dead Vlei" is directed by Fuzo Karamatu (THE OGIKIZ) and welcomes belly dancer Tina Jame dancing in the desert to express an unreal world
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cwl8SY_o0c (Coming out soon)
※Band profile
* 2011 organization
* Event "TIME IS FLYING" in 2013 and played with HAPPY and Kikagaku Moyo acted as the opening act of the Japan tour of DaiKaiju(fromUSA) in June.
* Circuit event that 2 venues called self planning event "TIME IS FLYING" used in 2014. I described it as Clock Shop Records Tour 2014 and performed all nine places of domestic tours that became first among a band, and band held an event to call the guest artist called the going on and on live for the next two weeks, and to perform a live every day for two weeks, and days absorbed in a live continued.
*1st mini album "Time is Flying" released nationwide. Held a tour of 4 locations in Japan.
Mr. Kenichi Nakata, the bassist of SHERBETS, commented, “Graceful! Watch the LIVE Show!!”.
* Current drummer Satoshi Morishita joined.
* Jazz singer Irina for 2018 years from Finland and Irina feat. As RIP VAN WINKLE is released in a cassette medium and the streaming of the 1st EP "HOURGLASS" in Tokyo in October.
Perform a tour in Europe in Denmark, Germany, Finland, four countries of London.
INSULA MUSIC (Denmark) and ROUGH TRADE EAST (London) of the cassette sell it over the count, and realize the handling.
* 2019
Event "Definitely Get Loud" holding. Yamaji Kazuhide, Imai Akinobu, Hisato Yamamoto, Satou Minoru, Shou Kikuchi and co starring.
Band achieved Pisitakun(Thailand), ELEPHANT HIVE(Israel), SLOKS(ITALY), DELANY DAVIDSON(NZ), FilthDimention(Australia), CARAVANE(CANADA), the opening act of many visit to Japan bands tour.
* Act as Japan tour opening acts such as Lowdown30 (Korea), POLARIZE (AUS) in 2020, and self planning event "Definitely Get Loud vol.2" is held in April. KING BROTHERS, J-REXXX and others planned an appearance, but canceled it under the influence of a COVID-19 disaster.
April-Event, ”Yukan Na Bakudan" Single Release Party Was sold out.